I’m sure you’ve guessed what this blog is about. I am literally surprised every time I find one of these. I think that now we are getting close to going thru everything once that I have found all of the knives and scissors and watches there are….and then guess what?!?!?! I believe that I have enough of the knifes and scissors that I could put one in every room, give one to the kids to put in every room in their homes and still have some left!! Some of these pocket knives are really nice ones that we have put aside, some are just little ones that I’m sure they got from family at different times and put them in places they thought they could use them and wouldn’t have to go searching for them again. I just never knew that one family could have so many of these. The scissors are the same, both of my grandma’s sewed so they had scissors for that but I think that they did the same thing with the scissors they did with the knives. I hate to admit it, but I have stationed a few scissors around the house so that I can cut whatever I need in the room I am and not have to go up or downstairs just to get a pair of scissors. How funny that you pick up habits from older family members after complaining about how they did something. Now, I’m not putting these in every room, just one up and one down…….that is about enough of them. I also had a grandma that used to enjoy doing cross stitch so I have found a lot of thread and needles and such that I can use for my own. She also had the nicest little standing basket that I have found to keep all of my supplies in. I have enough thread I will never have to buy any again, just need the fabric is all. And talk about colors, every color under the rainbow!!!
Ok, now watches. Most of these wataches are the wind up kind so you know they didn’t need batteries to keep them going. I’m just trying to figure out how 5 people could come up with soooooo many of them. I’ll bet I have 20 or so of them. It looks like some are every day watches, some are maybe dress up watches and I guess a couple for wearing something different now and then????? Pocket watches were popular probably when my dad was small so I have found quite a few of those too. I’m going to hang on to the ones that I think maybe meant more to my family and not sure what to do with the rest.
I catch myself laughing now and then as I continue to clean things out. I will find things in odd places like the knives and scissors and just when I think there couldn’t possibly be anymore watches, what do I find??? At least now I’m more to a point of smiling or remembering a nice moment when I find some of these items. And I’m sure my dad is looking down and laughing at me most of the time when I say “Dad, what in the world”????